Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Long Time, No Blog

I know, I know. It has been an extremely long time since I've last blogged. A lot has happend and I have been extremely busy with work. This week (Thursday-Sunday) I have rush workshop with my sorority. I am definitely NOT looking forward to running up and down the driveway cheering, but I am excited to see all of my sisters!! And especially my big!!! Being a Phi Mu has already impacted my life more than I could have ever imagined. Without these girls and bonds, my life would be so dull. LIOB

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Work, Work, Work

Well I sure am getting my "initiation" at the Eagle! I have been working SO much!! When they are needing some extra help I am the second person they go to; which is AMAZING since this is only the third week I've been there. I'm so glad that God opened this door and gave me this opportunity.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

It's been a while!

So it's been a few days since I've posted anything, but I have been quite the busy bee! Anywho I hope everyone has had a fantastic few days!! Great news...MY BESTFRIEND TAYLOR GEE IS BACK HOME!!!!!!! Also on a good note, today is my mom and daddy's anniversary! Many years of happiness still to come for them :) I know this is random, but I need to rant. I worked today 12-5 then found out I have to be at a meeting back at the store at 7...when they know I live in Franklin, why would they do that?? That's a lib time for me to spend in BG with nothing to do, but that's also pointless for me to drive home then have to drive right back. Just a little frustrating. But none the less, it's been a GREAT day and a fantastic weekend!! Be blessed and stay beautiful. XOXO

Thursday, July 5, 2012

The aftermath.

I hope everyone had a great and safe 4th!! To those who are working today, I am so so sorry. And to those who aren't, I hope you didn't have too much fun last night ;) I had a great time getting to see my cousins from Somerset and of course all of my other family!! 4th of July is one of my family's favorite holidays; however this is the first year we did not have fireworks :( minus that, everyone had SO much fun!! Now go out and tackle today and trust God that you can make it through!

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

It's Independence Day!

HAPPY 4TH Y'ALL!!!! I hope everyone is having fun getting ready for their Independence Day festivities! All the while we need to remember exactly what we are celebrating...our freedom. Thanks to all those who have fought to keep us free!! Everyone have a great, beautiful day and STAY SAFE!!

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

On a more depressing note...

As you all will soon find out, I am an avid hockey fan!! Being so close to TN, my favorite team are the Nashville Predators. Unfortunately, my favorite hockey player of all time Jordin Tootoo (whom is my "hubby" haha) has gone on to the Detroit Red Wings, which has ALWAYS been my least favorite hockey team. Just my luck. And now there's news that Ryan Suter (Taylor Gee's "hubby") is thinking of going to Detroit as well. This is NOT ok! :( No matter what though, we will support our men!! True hockey fanatics.

Good ending to a good day :)

Well I started a new job last week at American Eagle. I have only worked 6 days so far, but in those 6 days, I have worked 45 hours!! I am extremely happy and excited about this new opportunity in my life! Today made me realize that God had a plan for me. I work with the most amazing people on the planet and everything is working out in my favor. I have to give God the glory for all that he is doing in my life. Winding down after a 9 hour shift with a nice, long bubble bath and watching Pretty Little Liars makes this day absolutely perfect :) Hope all of you lovelies have a wonderful night! XOXO